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August 2017 Newsletter


In September we will begin using new curriculum in all classes; The Itty Bitty Bookworm, Zoo-phonics, and an Infant curriculum from

The Itty Bitty Bookworm is based on children’s books and provides varied activities, lessons and songs for each book.  It has 2 age-based versions. We will use “Bo" for the Threes & Four/Fives classes and “Bailey” for the Toddlers & Twos.

Zoo-phonics is a great phonics program that teaches letters and their sounds through the use of animals and motions.  Being able to use multiple senses is the best way children learn. This curriculum teaches the lower case letters first as more than 90% of all written word is in lowercase. Please remember when writing children’s names to use capitals only for the first letter. I have personally used this curriculum and have witnessed children from age 1 to 5 enjoy it and truly learn their letter sounds.

Our Infant curriculum is a theme based curriculum for children as young as 1 month through 1 year.  It contains activities for the varied activity level of infants as they grow and develop. It has specific massage and exercise options to help with baby’s motor development as well finger play and song suggestions to address the whole child’s development.

Box Car Race Day

Thursday, July 27th was our First Annual Box Car Race Day! Each class constructed their own Box Car and on Thursday morning just after snack we gathered in the hallway and raced. The kids had so much fun!  A few of the younger kiddos were a bit more reluctant to run while wearing a box but all of the older children were offering so much encouragement from the sidelines that you could see smiles everywhere.

The children enjoyed it so much that we will definitely be including this event every year towards the end of summer!

Vacation/Sick Days Policy

Each child is allowed 2 free vacation weeks per year

(based on the number of days regularly attended).  Notice must be received in writing by the office BEFORE the vacation is taken.  Vacation weeks are available for use after 30 days of attendance.

Vacation days do not roll over from year to year.  All families will begin a fresh 2 weeks of Vacation/Sick Days on August 1, 2017.

Vacation Request forms are available in the office.

Adventure Academy Director

Lisa Gross